TLS磁致伸缩液位计概述公司提供的磁致伸缩探针设计。TLS提供油罐液位测量精度的同时提供的真正的多变量功能(总水平,界面液位和温度)准确测量总水平,界面和温度Modbus RTU输出不锈钢或柔性探头灵活的探头提供更长的测量高达50英尺易于安装和无需校准0.01%精度FM和FMC 1类1级审批
Overview Ametek offers the latest in magnetostrictive probe design. The TLS provides unparalleled accuracy for tank level measurements while offering true multi-variable functionality (total level, interface level and temperature)TLS磁致伸缩液位计 - Accuray measures total level, interface and temperature
- Modbus RTU Output
- Stainless Steel or Flexible Probes
- Flexible probes offer longer measurements up to 50 ft.
- Easy installation and no calibration required
- 0.01% Accuracy
- FM and FMc Class I Div 1 Approvals
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